Monday, 20 September 2010
...had birthday fun
it was my 19th birthday at a club in my home town, when it turned midnight, onto my actual birthday i decided i wanted to celebrate with some sex. i walked to the toilets and found the cutest boy nearby. i walked up to him, took his hand, and without saying anything, i took him into the girls toilets and fucked him. i told him i would be wanting more of that and that i would come and find him later. he was only about 17 and too scared to say anything. i found him and fucked him two more times that night and i didnt say another word to him the whole time. i never knew his name and wouldnt recognise him, even if he spoke to me. but it was a great start to my birthday.
...started using internet dating sites
i dont know why i did it, or what prompted me to start on it, but i know i wanted to push my sexual boundaries and expand my potential horizons. so one night at the end of july i signed up to an online "dating" site. within 5 minutes of being on the site i had already received 20 messages from guys wanting to talk to me, meet me, or go on cam with me. they all told me how stunning they thought i was and how much they wanted me. it didnt take long, i was hooked. sometimes all it took was a glance at their profile pics to tell me to steer clear, but there were defiantly more than one or two guys who took my fancy. i found myself logging in more and more, checking to see if any hot guys had messaged me. a few times i swapped msn details and spent my nights in doing everything you can imagine on camera, with them doing the same. i really got on well with two of the guys. one lives about 15 mins away, so after having msned a few times, we text all week, and then after the most important step, swapping our real facebook details, he came over. it was pretty relaxed, we watched a movie and talked all the way through and didnt even get to the end before we were in my bedroom fucking. he was really fun and has the really awesome ability to stay hard, no matter how many times he cums. this ensured i was fully satisfied. he stayed over and we did it more that night and in the morning. and that sealed the deal with internet dating sites. they work for me!
the second guy i really got on with was not such a positive experience. a sniper in the army, who after sending 400 texts over 3 days, i was determined to know even more about him. i found him on facebook but what i didnt expect to find at the same time, was his wife and kid. he reassured me he was separated, which from her statues about missing him so much, i knew wasnt true. but i liked the attention he was giving me. after a month of constant texts and calls, that by then, i wasnt so excited to receive and often ignored, he informed me he would be back in the country soon and the first thing he would do was come and see me. living in ireland with his wife and kid i doubted this. but he stuck to his word and we met up. he was so hot in his pictures and really into me and i couldnt have been more disappointed. he was not hot, short, edgy, awkward and i had no idea why he was even there. we spent the night watching shit tv and eating pizza. i couldnt bring myself to go out in public with him and his boot-cut jeans. i did end up fucking him, but it was so boring and long. i was so glad when he left the next day. despite him trying to get in touch since, i have not replied and thank god he hasnt been too persistent.
despite this painful experience i knew there was more fun to be had. i met a guy through a mutual friend on facebook and when he came over it was incredible. he was really hot, really good in bed and really fun. he would make a perfect regular but unfortunately he doesnt live in my town so i just have to wait till he comes back on another trip here. since him i have accepted adds on my facebook from a couple of hot guys that i havent met but have friends in common with, so have a couple more lined up. but again, location is a hurdle with them. for now though there is always skype.
i was asked to write a little article on my experiences of the best places to find sex online. someone told me the most popular "dating" site, so in the name of research i signed up. this has taken my addiction to another level. that was a week and a half ago and since then i have received 1212 messages from guys who want me. i check the site constantly and when i am not out i spend my nights finding new people to chat too. i have swapped a lot of pics and done a lot of chatting but the sheer amount of people getting in touch means i am getting to be really picky. i have unfortunately found one guy who is perfect and we are so into each other. he is exactly my type and me his. we have chatted for hours and been texting each other. but he lives in scotland. so rubbish.
i keep trying to use these sites to push my boundaries and hook up with guys i wouldnt usually, but id rather be safe than sorry, so i do take my time to get to know guys first. even the slightest sign of pestering and they are off my potentials list and i make sure i have checked out their real facebooks before i would meet them. obviously there arent hundreds of hot guys out there on these sites but when you do find someone you know they are going to have a like minded attitude to sex and be really open to experimentation. it has added a new dimension to my sexploits and hopefully will provide me with plenty more stories.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
...had a boyfriend holiday
this week i have discovered a brand new and exciting experience that i have thought would be a good idea. and worked really well. i had a boyfriend holiday. i was away at a festival the other weekend and met a boy there on the first night. we had some amazing tent sex and he did things to me that no one should do in a tent. it was really fun and he knew how to wind me up and turn me on in equal amounts. i moved to a different site in the morning an he asked me to take his number before i left. we texted and called each other for the rest of the weekend and we arranged for him to come to mine when he was finished working.
he got back on monday afternoon and i met him at the tube station and brought him straight home to mine. he collapsed tired and hungry on my living room floor and he pulled me down and lay there making out for a while. i put him in the shower and ordered us some curry. we then spent the rest of the night eating, watching movies and fucking. in the morning i got up and made coffee and pancakes and then we spent the whole day doing the same again, eating, watching tv and fucking. it felt like we had been doing this for months and it was totally normal that we were holding hands and kissing and generally being wrapped around each other. that night he went out with his mates and then came home to me, where id ordered a pizza and gave him blow jobs on the sofa. he was going to leave on the wednesday night as i was going to go out. but when it got to about 8pm we decided another night in with food and fucking would be much more fun.
we talked about how and why this wierd little boring married life we were having was working. we are both really similar in our feelings and attitudes to sex and know that just cause we were acting like this, didnt mean we wanted to be together or do this any longer than we were. we liked the comfort and cosy funness of this gf/bf time but didnt want any more from each other. so when it came time for him to leave on the thursday we said our goodbyes and that we may see each other soon. since then we havent called or text each other. i think we both got everything we needed from our 4 days together and rather then being led on or leading someone on after one night of fake fun, our concious decision to take a boyfriend/girlfriend holiday has left me feeling all warm and satisfied inside.
he got back on monday afternoon and i met him at the tube station and brought him straight home to mine. he collapsed tired and hungry on my living room floor and he pulled me down and lay there making out for a while. i put him in the shower and ordered us some curry. we then spent the rest of the night eating, watching movies and fucking. in the morning i got up and made coffee and pancakes and then we spent the whole day doing the same again, eating, watching tv and fucking. it felt like we had been doing this for months and it was totally normal that we were holding hands and kissing and generally being wrapped around each other. that night he went out with his mates and then came home to me, where id ordered a pizza and gave him blow jobs on the sofa. he was going to leave on the wednesday night as i was going to go out. but when it got to about 8pm we decided another night in with food and fucking would be much more fun.
we talked about how and why this wierd little boring married life we were having was working. we are both really similar in our feelings and attitudes to sex and know that just cause we were acting like this, didnt mean we wanted to be together or do this any longer than we were. we liked the comfort and cosy funness of this gf/bf time but didnt want any more from each other. so when it came time for him to leave on the thursday we said our goodbyes and that we may see each other soon. since then we havent called or text each other. i think we both got everything we needed from our 4 days together and rather then being led on or leading someone on after one night of fake fun, our concious decision to take a boyfriend/girlfriend holiday has left me feeling all warm and satisfied inside.
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...had the best sex of my life
i know for sure, 100% i just had the best sex of my life. with a stranger. i met him on the swinger site yesterday. he likes a woman in ...