Wednesday, 29 December 2010
...finally got the internet back
so im back from the village and online. i have written while i was away. so ill post these on the dates i wrote them. so they will be before this. never mind. so since i have been back, all of 12 hours, i have signed up to be a cam girl. i have decided i do all this way too much to not be making money from it so will have to see how that goes. im staying in on new years eve so might start then.
also i need to do some nice stories as all this numbers and me keepin track of who im seeing is more like an a-level maths problem. but as a quick note on this weeks plans. last night as soon as i got back, i saw 119. he normally comes to mine and last night i went to his. it was like some kind of progress. he is a major comittment phobe. 27 and never had a gf. not that i want that from him. its just that he is so insanely closed off and usually he leaves as soon as he cums. i know he likes me though and he is trying to spend more time with me. so when i went over last night we hung out for like 20 mins before he took me down stairs. he has been asking me how he can be better in bed and he was trying everything i had told him. having him between my thighs with his fingers hard inside me and tongue on my clit lookin up at me to see if i was liking it was so hot. he loves fucking me in the ass but he has a beautiful big cock so i cant usually take it. he took me in a way i hadnt ever done before. he had my vibe in my ass while he was fucking me with him on top then he slipped it out and stuck it in my ass. with him still on top. he held me really tight and kissed me lots as he fucked me firmly and slowly in my ass, my legs wrapped around his waist. it was so hot. it was the best way ive had anal. he slid my legs over his shoulders but he was too big in me for me to take that for long. he pulled out and dragged me down the bed by my ankles and bent me over the end of the bed and entered my ass again. he was holding me around my neck and waist and fucking me really hard now. i had my vibe on my clit and was crying out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. it was so intense. i love it when im gettin fucked and my mind just totally clears. last night was just incredible. i didnt cum but just really enjoyed how he took me.
anyway. i got carried away there. so should stop this. cause now im turned on. damn.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
…started planning resolutions
i was watching an interview with miicky rourke the other day and they were talking about the time he alegidly slept with 14 women in one night. it turns out the reality was that it was 13 in 7 days. im sure i have or can beat that. 4 in one day is my record so that would only be 4 days of that. or 2 a day or a mix of a few and none and lots. so my aim for january is to beat that. i think a general new years resolution is to have more sex.
Monday, 27 December 2010
….monday bank holiday
so being away from london, away from phone signal, away from internet has got me feeling much more pensive. been thinking about exs and me and friends. i cannot get my last ex 105 out of my head. he was my last love and also the boy that locked me up for 5 days. it has never felt over with us. the first time, the second time, or now after he got back in toch the last time. maybe its cause im near his part of the country. i have to get the same train to the family as i did to his. what ever the reason him being out there, existing, living, and me not knowing about him, not able to care or help is on my mind. i have always loved having one that got away tho. i love pining.
Sunday, 26 December 2010
...boxing day blogged
so it is the day after the big event. except i don’t think ours is a big event. its me, nan and mom and we just had a nice relaxing, quiet day. i got a few weird presents. like usual. which i like. when i see other people talking about their christmases on twitter and facebook i realise how different mine is. especially as i ended the day in bed, struggling to connect my computer to the wi-fi on my phone so i can check my online profile and chat to a few boys i am planning on meeting when i get back. my new excitement is f7. met him online last week. spent the day on cam when he was at work. and in his spare time he is an underwear model. so bring on wednesday.
pretty much the only people that have text me over this festive period are boys that im sleeping with or want to sleep with me. which is interesting.
78, f5, and f11, 126 wanted to meet
f8 is planning to meet up next week.
117, 122, f10, 118 said merry Christmas.
f7 nice chats and meeting plans.
f9 wanted to cam, texted, messaged me on line, called me. wants to meet.
125 wanted to cam.
119 chatted to me about how much he likes fucking me and asked what he could be better at and wanted to cam.
i have been tryin to get online all day today and i cant. its so frustrating. im writing this offline and dunno when ill get to post but im just feeling totally cut off. this village sucks. feeling a bit fucked up. sat here with the fam, blogging and watching a movie and sending messages to boys about how they want me to fuck them in the ass.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
...realised i have no female friends
girls hate me. girls who know me, who are supposed to be friends, dont go out with me. i was told last night it was cause im always with so many guys when i am out. girls i know with boyfriends dont like me cause they think im gonna sleep with their boyfriends, or think i flirt too much. girls im mates with dont think they dont have much in common with me cause im obsessed with sex and my lifestyle is so different from them. im not the kind of girl they want to be associated with. girls in clubs hate me cause of how i dance and dress. cause i dont care what people think i just do what i want. and other girls dont like that. and they are mean to me. i have very few female friends left. i prefer just hanging out with boys. but now i only hang out with people i sleep with. im having a girl crisis. girls make other girls feel so bad. i wish people didnt care about what/who i do, how i dress, how i dance, who i talk to and how. i dont. and im happy. just other people make me feel bad.
ugh enough whinge off. boring. im not goin for sympathy. just thought id show a bit more reality!
met a fit boy on line today and he has just started talking to me on msn. so that will keep me busy for a while and 117 is coming over tonight. that will be nice and fun.
girls hate me. girls who know me, who are supposed to be friends, dont go out with me. i was told last night it was cause im always with so many guys when i am out. girls i know with boyfriends dont like me cause they think im gonna sleep with their boyfriends, or think i flirt too much. girls im mates with dont think they dont have much in common with me cause im obsessed with sex and my lifestyle is so different from them. im not the kind of girl they want to be associated with. girls in clubs hate me cause of how i dance and dress. cause i dont care what people think i just do what i want. and other girls dont like that. and they are mean to me. i have very few female friends left. i prefer just hanging out with boys. but now i only hang out with people i sleep with. im having a girl crisis. girls make other girls feel so bad. i wish people didnt care about what/who i do, how i dress, how i dance, who i talk to and how. i dont. and im happy. just other people make me feel bad.
ugh enough whinge off. boring. im not goin for sympathy. just thought id show a bit more reality!
met a fit boy on line today and he has just started talking to me on msn. so that will keep me busy for a while and 117 is coming over tonight. that will be nice and fun.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
...spent the night with my ex
so i spent the night with my ex tonight. not in that way.ex 87. we spent the night talking about our relationship and why we cant have casual sex now. i feel a bit drained. it was an emotionally difficult relationship and a lot of things went wrong for us and we talked about all of it. i need a cuddle. text 119 but he hasnt replied. i seem to be in my two weeks off sex. havent had any for a week and a day. 87 wanted it, but i didnt. im meant to be meeting 117 tomorrow. but might be too busy. then im due this week too, and its christmas. so who knows when its gonna be back on.
ive set up a couple of new profiles online looking for girls for group fun and looking for someone to be my slave. i need one, i am too busy and not spoilt enough. got a few lined up in both.
massively tired now...oh 119 came over on sunday night. he is so weird and left half way through. but he has appologised and is so hot its fine. and its nice to have someone who only ever comes over for a couple of hours and leaves me to sleep well. oh and the heavenly 120, my all time number one, stunning baby boy, has text today. id love to meet him before christmas. im so obsessed with his face.
i think i need to go to bed and imagine someone wants to cuddle me.
so i spent the night with my ex tonight. not in that way.ex 87. we spent the night talking about our relationship and why we cant have casual sex now. i feel a bit drained. it was an emotionally difficult relationship and a lot of things went wrong for us and we talked about all of it. i need a cuddle. text 119 but he hasnt replied. i seem to be in my two weeks off sex. havent had any for a week and a day. 87 wanted it, but i didnt. im meant to be meeting 117 tomorrow. but might be too busy. then im due this week too, and its christmas. so who knows when its gonna be back on.
ive set up a couple of new profiles online looking for girls for group fun and looking for someone to be my slave. i need one, i am too busy and not spoilt enough. got a few lined up in both.
massively tired now...oh 119 came over on sunday night. he is so weird and left half way through. but he has appologised and is so hot its fine. and its nice to have someone who only ever comes over for a couple of hours and leaves me to sleep well. oh and the heavenly 120, my all time number one, stunning baby boy, has text today. id love to meet him before christmas. im so obsessed with his face.
i think i need to go to bed and imagine someone wants to cuddle me.
Sunday, 19 December 2010
...had christmas early
so i know i missed a few days but my dad came to mine this weekend for an early christmas. was lovely. and cause of that nothing fun has happened boy wise. im currently on skype with f6. his cock is amazing. and he just made me get in the bath and piss while i fingered my ass and pussy with rubber gloves on. would be great to actually meet him. ive only ever spoken to him on the internet. he has even worked for me and we never met. so weird. but really hot. anyway the ex 117 is texting me tonight. we are gonna meet on tuesday and play. maybe even have a bit of a date. i had a massive onslaught of texts on friday night. i couldnt meet any one cause of dad comin. same on saturday.
my period is due this week so better try and get a few people in before the christmas lul. im home till friday morning tho so ive got a bit of time. actually definately going on a date with the ex. which is hilarious. cause his girlfriend has gone home to the parents. im a nasty souless bitch. happy with it.
am very tired tonight and not feeling original.
so i know i missed a few days but my dad came to mine this weekend for an early christmas. was lovely. and cause of that nothing fun has happened boy wise. im currently on skype with f6. his cock is amazing. and he just made me get in the bath and piss while i fingered my ass and pussy with rubber gloves on. would be great to actually meet him. ive only ever spoken to him on the internet. he has even worked for me and we never met. so weird. but really hot. anyway the ex 117 is texting me tonight. we are gonna meet on tuesday and play. maybe even have a bit of a date. i had a massive onslaught of texts on friday night. i couldnt meet any one cause of dad comin. same on saturday.
my period is due this week so better try and get a few people in before the christmas lul. im home till friday morning tho so ive got a bit of time. actually definately going on a date with the ex. which is hilarious. cause his girlfriend has gone home to the parents. im a nasty souless bitch. happy with it.
am very tired tonight and not feeling original.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
...blogged on the loo
so today im on the toilet blogging. it is too late reallly and i wanted an early night and i didnt do anything i planned this evening. i cancelled 123 so i could have a quiet night in preparing for christmas. but instead i went to a gig and kissed another boy. came home and been chatting and texting, eating cheese and facebooking for two hours and now its 2am. chattin to f2 and 118. i have stuck to my 100% record of pulling while out at work. so happy. just had 123 texting asking if i was back on with 117. stupid 117 told him we met up the other day. what is with boys needing to tell everyone everything. jeez. 117 wants to come over now too. but im saying no. did a lil skype with f5 but i was too tired and he is a tease. the boy i snogged, f6, has been textin all night since we left the gig too. he is very cute. may see him on saturday.
woke up this morning with 122. he came over last night and we were both cold, tired and cuddly so we didnt have sex. which was nice. i slept well with him and we did it this morning. but our hearts werent in it. we lay chattin for hours and i missed all my work this morning. we talked about sex so much we ended up doing it 3 times before he left and i got on with work. 125 text again being an arse about not textin him tonight cause he would be with his gf. i mean jeez, if he told me in the first place he had a gf maybe he could be pissed off. but i didnt know better. i should be pissed off with him.
123 and 117 are still texting me and 122 is out so i suspect he will call later. but its phone on silent time now.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010 let down
today was tuesday. i woke up late cause last night i was up late chatting to boys on line! 122 was meant to come over but he dissapeared. so i entertained myself with thai food, tv and chat. boring end to what started as a promising day. today has also been a bit dry. was gonna go see f1 again but a meeting got canceled so couldnt justify being in that part of town. so i had 3 hours to kill. i tried 119, 120, 122 and 125 and none of them were free. gutted. so i had to please myself with 66 on skype. 66 was someone i was sleeping with for two years. but he got married and we havent hooked up in 2 years. his marriage is not workin out any more, so he is back on me. after some work tonight 122 texted and wants to hang. so i am just waiting for him bringing dvds and good times. cant wait to feel his powerful hands on me. woop. bit tired tho. oh and i nearly forgot. when i was gettin the bus home just, who should walk up but 111 and his gf. they are back together. she confronted me the other week when we were out and tried to start something but i held it down and she ended up walking off. at the bus stop just, she walked up to me stared, wide eyed and walked off. my heart was racing and thank fuck we got different busses.
today was tuesday. i woke up late cause last night i was up late chatting to boys on line! 122 was meant to come over but he dissapeared. so i entertained myself with thai food, tv and chat. boring end to what started as a promising day. today has also been a bit dry. was gonna go see f1 again but a meeting got canceled so couldnt justify being in that part of town. so i had 3 hours to kill. i tried 119, 120, 122 and 125 and none of them were free. gutted. so i had to please myself with 66 on skype. 66 was someone i was sleeping with for two years. but he got married and we havent hooked up in 2 years. his marriage is not workin out any more, so he is back on me. after some work tonight 122 texted and wants to hang. so i am just waiting for him bringing dvds and good times. cant wait to feel his powerful hands on me. woop. bit tired tho. oh and i nearly forgot. when i was gettin the bus home just, who should walk up but 111 and his gf. they are back together. she confronted me the other week when we were out and tried to start something but i held it down and she ended up walking off. at the bus stop just, she walked up to me stared, wide eyed and walked off. my heart was racing and thank fuck we got different busses.
Monday, 13 December 2010
...wrote about today
so after the drama of the weekend. it has been catching up a bit today. me and 117 chatted this morning and he told me he doesnt like his gf any more and has been broken since me and is sleeping with another girl too, but cant leave his gf cause its christmas. also said he has a really public relationship with her to make me jell. what a dick. but pretty funny. he left at like 12 to go to work. my best friend called me and told me this skank girl he'd been hangin with last night told her i had been trying to fuck another of their mates f3 and that i was being ridiculous and to leave their group of friends alone. it is pretty funny, 89, 117, 123, f1 and f3 are all like best friends. 123 has been texting me about the situation and asking to see me in secret again. we are gonna meet on wednesday. 120 has been texting again too. he is definitely my hottest boy at the moment. so glad to hear from him. need to see him asap. 122 text as well to apologise for having to go home. and we are making plans for the week. also talking to n1 and n2 and lots of other people on the net. but i think i might have a night in on my own today. catch up on sleep, get work done and give the lady a rest. let see how all this plays out.
ps i have been thinking about this as my diary and it is definately the best idea cause i cant really tell anyone all this any more. no one understands and its all a bit insane. also no one can know im fucking thier friends boyfriends or my exs friends or a friend or whatever. like new format. happy. now someone read this. think its amazing and give me a job reviewing men.
so after the drama of the weekend. it has been catching up a bit today. me and 117 chatted this morning and he told me he doesnt like his gf any more and has been broken since me and is sleeping with another girl too, but cant leave his gf cause its christmas. also said he has a really public relationship with her to make me jell. what a dick. but pretty funny. he left at like 12 to go to work. my best friend called me and told me this skank girl he'd been hangin with last night told her i had been trying to fuck another of their mates f3 and that i was being ridiculous and to leave their group of friends alone. it is pretty funny, 89, 117, 123, f1 and f3 are all like best friends. 123 has been texting me about the situation and asking to see me in secret again. we are gonna meet on wednesday. 120 has been texting again too. he is definitely my hottest boy at the moment. so glad to hear from him. need to see him asap. 122 text as well to apologise for having to go home. and we are making plans for the week. also talking to n1 and n2 and lots of other people on the net. but i think i might have a night in on my own today. catch up on sleep, get work done and give the lady a rest. let see how all this plays out.
ps i have been thinking about this as my diary and it is definately the best idea cause i cant really tell anyone all this any more. no one understands and its all a bit insane. also no one can know im fucking thier friends boyfriends or my exs friends or a friend or whatever. like new format. happy. now someone read this. think its amazing and give me a job reviewing men.
...started having sex with too many people to keep a track of
the past few weeks i have been sleeping with more people than ever. i am also meeting more people than ever, off the internet and in real life. so i have decided to use this blog to keep up to date with what i have going on. i havent been able to write much, anywhere near as much as i would like, on here cause i am so busy with work, so i wanna try and use this as a bit more of a diary. i litterally cant remember who i had sex with this time last week.
i have also been racking my brains as to how i can turn the amount of people i sleep with into a money making business. yes i know what comes to mind first, but a large part of what i do is find good people to have sex with. i dont want to be the one picked for sex, i want to still be the one in control and some how earn money. also the sex wouldnt be like it is if the boys were paying. so i need an external way of making money from this.
anyway i am going to be referring to each person by their number now. i also need a way of keeping track of who i am planning to meet and who i am liking off the interweb, but it might evolve naturally.
so this weekend -
friday night - i had a good sleep after a hard days work.
saturday - did a bit of tidyin an some nice stuff in my flat. went out to my old local on my own to meet f1, and bumped into my exs friends. saw f1 but he failed again to get away from his friends to see me. (we arent supposed to hook up). spent the night talking to 123. hes been tryin to get with me for a few weeks and is my exs best friend. he is really nice and we got on well and kissed really well so i couldnt really say no. we went back to mine, but i had to go out to do some work at 3am and wanted to meet 122 after so i made him leave. it wasnt great anyway. while i was out working i met f2 and kissed him. he wants to take me on a date. then i met 124. he kissed me, badly, but got really turned on and into me and 122 was gonna come over on sunday anyway so i let 124 take me home. he was some american guy. and had an incredible cock. and definately satisfied me. he stayed over.
sunday - 124 woke me up at like 8am to have more sex and then left at like 10am. which was good, cause i didnt really wanna hang out with him. i was really looking forward to 122 coming over. which he did at 2pm. we had a couple of rounds of awesome sex. i usually get bored of long sex but with him it just feels amazing and i loose my mind to him. he really knows how to handle me and hold me too. also we eat chips and chocolate and snooze on the sofa together watching movies. and he is a sex addict too. he unfortunately had to leave at like 8 to look after his dad. he was meant to stay so that was rubbish. but in some twist of fate, just as i was gettin bored, my ex 117, called me off 123s phone to tell me he knew about us. i was busy watching x factor so didnt wanna talk to him. he txt me later saying "you fucked my best mate". he actually has a girlfriend now, who is an old friend of mine, ridiculous. so i said it shouldnt matter. in the end i phoned him and he said he missed me etc. so i told him to come over. he was out so had to go but we carried on textin each other and he left straight away and came over. i thought he might wanna talk or something, but as soon as we walked in we started kissing and he took me in my room and we fucked all night.
busy weekend and think that made it 4 in 24 hours. my new record!
i have also been racking my brains as to how i can turn the amount of people i sleep with into a money making business. yes i know what comes to mind first, but a large part of what i do is find good people to have sex with. i dont want to be the one picked for sex, i want to still be the one in control and some how earn money. also the sex wouldnt be like it is if the boys were paying. so i need an external way of making money from this.
anyway i am going to be referring to each person by their number now. i also need a way of keeping track of who i am planning to meet and who i am liking off the interweb, but it might evolve naturally.
so this weekend -
friday night - i had a good sleep after a hard days work.
saturday - did a bit of tidyin an some nice stuff in my flat. went out to my old local on my own to meet f1, and bumped into my exs friends. saw f1 but he failed again to get away from his friends to see me. (we arent supposed to hook up). spent the night talking to 123. hes been tryin to get with me for a few weeks and is my exs best friend. he is really nice and we got on well and kissed really well so i couldnt really say no. we went back to mine, but i had to go out to do some work at 3am and wanted to meet 122 after so i made him leave. it wasnt great anyway. while i was out working i met f2 and kissed him. he wants to take me on a date. then i met 124. he kissed me, badly, but got really turned on and into me and 122 was gonna come over on sunday anyway so i let 124 take me home. he was some american guy. and had an incredible cock. and definately satisfied me. he stayed over.
sunday - 124 woke me up at like 8am to have more sex and then left at like 10am. which was good, cause i didnt really wanna hang out with him. i was really looking forward to 122 coming over. which he did at 2pm. we had a couple of rounds of awesome sex. i usually get bored of long sex but with him it just feels amazing and i loose my mind to him. he really knows how to handle me and hold me too. also we eat chips and chocolate and snooze on the sofa together watching movies. and he is a sex addict too. he unfortunately had to leave at like 8 to look after his dad. he was meant to stay so that was rubbish. but in some twist of fate, just as i was gettin bored, my ex 117, called me off 123s phone to tell me he knew about us. i was busy watching x factor so didnt wanna talk to him. he txt me later saying "you fucked my best mate". he actually has a girlfriend now, who is an old friend of mine, ridiculous. so i said it shouldnt matter. in the end i phoned him and he said he missed me etc. so i told him to come over. he was out so had to go but we carried on textin each other and he left straight away and came over. i thought he might wanna talk or something, but as soon as we walked in we started kissing and he took me in my room and we fucked all night.
busy weekend and think that made it 4 in 24 hours. my new record!
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...had the best sex of my life
i know for sure, 100% i just had the best sex of my life. with a stranger. i met him on the swinger site yesterday. he likes a woman in ...