Wednesday, 15 December 2010
...blogged on the loo
so today im on the toilet blogging. it is too late reallly and i wanted an early night and i didnt do anything i planned this evening. i cancelled 123 so i could have a quiet night in preparing for christmas. but instead i went to a gig and kissed another boy. came home and been chatting and texting, eating cheese and facebooking for two hours and now its 2am. chattin to f2 and 118. i have stuck to my 100% record of pulling while out at work. so happy. just had 123 texting asking if i was back on with 117. stupid 117 told him we met up the other day. what is with boys needing to tell everyone everything. jeez. 117 wants to come over now too. but im saying no. did a lil skype with f5 but i was too tired and he is a tease. the boy i snogged, f6, has been textin all night since we left the gig too. he is very cute. may see him on saturday.
woke up this morning with 122. he came over last night and we were both cold, tired and cuddly so we didnt have sex. which was nice. i slept well with him and we did it this morning. but our hearts werent in it. we lay chattin for hours and i missed all my work this morning. we talked about sex so much we ended up doing it 3 times before he left and i got on with work. 125 text again being an arse about not textin him tonight cause he would be with his gf. i mean jeez, if he told me in the first place he had a gf maybe he could be pissed off. but i didnt know better. i should be pissed off with him.
123 and 117 are still texting me and 122 is out so i suspect he will call later. but its phone on silent time now.
...had the best sex of my life
i know for sure, 100% i just had the best sex of my life. with a stranger. i met him on the swinger site yesterday. he likes a woman in ...