Tuesday, 29 December 2009
...made charts about my sex life
i made charts about my sexual history, including things like how many people fucked while drunk, how many friends vs strangers i kissed, how good people were in relation to how well i knew them, etc, based on my list when i was at uni. i dont have them anymore, lost in my laptop graveyard. but i have started doing them again. i dont have all my old diaries that has all the details in atm though so it is a bit hard. but here is the first two ive done. a simple one of how many people people i have fucked and when, comparing how many each month. and another one showing the cumulative total of how many people i have fucked over the past 10 years.
Monday, 14 December 2009
...woke up with a stranger in my bed
this has happened before and since, but this time was a particularly intense memory loss. my dad had gone away for a few weeks when i was 18, so i moved into his flat. not a clever move on any parents part. but lots of fun for me. so i woke up one morning after a big wednesday, pretty out of it, facing out of the bed. after a minute i realized that there was another body in my bed. i racked my brains about where i had been and who with last night, but came up with nothing. the last thing i remembered was pretty early in the night and i had a memory of being disappointed with the quality of a boy i had kissed. as that was the last thing i remembered, the ugly fear set in and i lost the ability to turn over and find out who this person was. i lay there for almost half an hour, trying to think and trying to delay the ugly shock i was gonna get. after a while i could tell he was awake too, so i slowly turned over and realized, this guy was hot. i was so surprised and relieved. i definitely had never seen him before in my life and had no idea who he was. so we exchanged mornings and when he asked me if he could stay for a bit and hang out and fuck more, i was happy to oblige, but i told him on one condition, that he tell me who the fuck he is and why he is in my bed. turned out to be a mates older brother, who i met randomly and decided to take back with me. we spent the whole day in bed making me some new memories and we ended up seeing each other for a few weeks. so who ever said not to accept rides from strangers, was definitely wrong.
...did it on a building site
there is a guy on my list, dance boy. i don’t really remember anything about him apart from we had a dance off a few times at this club i used to go to back home. i thought he was gay, but obviously not. one night he got hold of me and we ended up running about the city center together at 3am. we took all our clothes off and jumped into the big fountain, then we rolled out into the neighboring flower beds, where we tried to fuck. it was a bit too public, in the middle of the square, so we went off into an alley, but as we got into each others pants a massive flood light went on and we had to run off. not sure how, but we ended up on the scaffolding on the side of a building down another alley. i held onto the scaffolding in front of me while he fucked me from behind. i remember his brown corduroy coat. that is the last thing i remember. but that isn’t the only time i got it on in the streets of my home town.
Friday, 11 December 2009
...had two lame ducks
so last night an old favorite pb was out again. he didnt pester me as much as last week where he was rubbing my pussy in front of everyone and pretty much fucking me at the bar. but come the end of the night he was after a bit again. we made out for a while, and i was gonna send him home with just that, as i had another boy waiting to go home with me in the other room. but i thought fuck it, he wont know. so we went down to the toilets. he felt some need to get me naked, which i guess wasnt hard as i only had a dress on with tights and no other underwear. i could here people outside clearing up and someone tried to come in, so i was like, erm lets leave it. but he got his cock out an rubbed it agains my pussy from behind, picked me up and pushed me against the sink and started fucking me. this was great, apart from the fact he was clearly wasted and couldnt keep his cock hard. we carried on for a while, but it just seemed like a waste of time. i got off and told him it would be best to leave it now, slapped his ass and walked out. just down the corridor was my other boy for the night, ady. while we were gettin ready to leave pb kept calling me and texting me asking me over, but i hadnt seen ady for 4 years and wanted to take him home. when we got home i was so tired i just wanted to pass out, but he made quite a romantic effort at undressing and kissing me. his kissing was a bit intense, all tongues and biting, which i like, but i dont need my whole face licked. also what is it with boys wanting to kiss every inch of my body atm? i quite like it, but i find it a bit wierd and boring. anyway after teasing me for ages he went down on me, he is really good at it. after quite a while, he came back up and started fucking me, but after about 30 seconds he came. he tried carrying on fuckin me, but obvs he was too soft by then. i didnt mind as i was tired and i much preffer someone to cum quickly than take ages or not at all. i find it a compliment. i will definately be seein more of him now he is back in the city. but hopefully i wont end up with two lame ducks in one night again.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
...might ruin a good thing with my blog
you see this bullshit on the telly an films and shit, like oooohhh i write a blog, its a secret, oh no, someones found out about it, oh its ruined a relationship. well as i have a big mouth when i had only just started this blog and needed to tell someone about it. so i told this boy i had just met. we had spent a good couple of nights together. he really turned me on an i havent laughed so much in ages just hanging out. at first he was cool with the blog. he even wrote a mini one for me. then one night he said he couldnt handle the blog and wouldnt be seeing me again. i was pretty gutted, i didnt expect my blog to affect my real life, especially so soon after it had started. anyway after a couple of weeks and some tentative texts he came over one night when i was ill cause i needed a cuddle. yeah im not just all about sex, i like a good cuddle and hang out too. we spent a couple of nights together and we had a really good time. he wouldnt let me fuck him the first night, cause he was still reading the blog and knew what id been doing. by the time we did fuck, it was so good i came in about 5 seconds. he really turns me on and makes me cum more than i usually do. an he is so much fun to hang out with too. he came back to mine on friday night after we had been out and we had a lovely day fucking and chattin an eating on saturday. i came more that day than i have in ages. i went out that night and got too tired so came home and decided to write about my 100 and generally play on the blog. i knew he was still reading it, but this is my baby and i dont wanna stop, i love it. i got woken up on sunday with a text from him saying, i hate you and that blog. so i think this blog might have ruined a good thing. i love being made to cum so much and laugh so much by the same person and i really hope this blog doesnt affect that. or now i have writen this, that it does actually affect it, in a good way.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
...reached 100
it is done. i have reached 100. 99 was last week and 100 was this week. they are both a little bit famous, in bands and are two of the hottest guys i have ever fucked. i had been lining it up with 100 for a while and i told his flatmate, my mate, about the fact my next one was to be 100. his flatmate had been using 100 as collateral in a little buisness deal we are doing and wasnt going to release him to me till we had signed off on it, sort of like a sweetener for me. so on the night, 100 came up to me and was like, fuck it, im not wating anymore, i dont care if the deal is done or not, i want you. he told me he had heard i had a momentous number coming up and that he thought he should be it. his flatmate hadnt told him what number it was, so i told him. he was impressed and we agreed it would be really good for him to be 100. i took him back to mine and made out for a while before he got me naked. i was actually pretty nervous. he went down on me for ages. which was great, but it can get a little boring if i know im not gonna cum. when i eventually dragged him away from my pussy he knelt over me and put the fattest most porno dick in my face i have ever seen. it was massive. not too long, just right, but so fat, it was amazing. i sucked on it for a while an then couldnt wait any more. i wanted my 100. he liked fucking me really deep and hard which can be hard for me at the best of times, as im quite little, but with his knob i kept having to calm him down. he fucking nailed it though when he stuck his fingers hard in my ass at the same time tho. it was so good and a little bit filthy. we tried to get him in my ass, but it was way too big and its been a while since i have done that, so we agreed to keep trying another time. anyway we had a good energetic fuck and after we recovered i was like, oh fuck yeah, 100 and we high fived. it was hilarious. he stayed over and in the morning we had some more sex and hung out. turns out he is pretty funny and nice as well as stunning. and he said i dont have any choice, an it will be happeing again. it wasnt particularly crazy or wild, but i am very happy with my 100 and will be proud to show him off as the magic number. so i have 100, now where do i go from here?
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
...played filthy spin the bottle
my friend had gone away for a few weeks and i was house sitting for her. i was at dadys pub and me, him and a few mates were gettin pretty wrecked as usual. it was only really us out so when the pub shut we needed something else to do. dady suggested we get some booze and drugs in a go get filthy at my friends house. sounded good to me. so el (who has been fucking dady for months, but no one knew at the time) dady, me, shar (some girl off some shit telly show) and our mate tev (who id got with before) all jumped in a taxi accross town to me friends house. she has this sex board game that we tried to play for a while, before we realised it was way to dull and nothing was happening, so we thought spin the bottle would be much more fun. it started fairly tame, dancing, kissing, touching under the table. but with the booze and drugs it wasnt long before el was filming me give tev a lap dance, and shar was blowin tev under the table. el had to lapdance for dady, and we all had to take it in turns gettin blindfolded and kiss everyone and guess who it was. shar didnt get too involved, especially as el was takin photos, bein a celeb and all. the lads then had to take it in turns to get on their backs and me and el had to sit on their faces and they had to guess who was who, then i had to stay there on tev and let him eat me in front of everyone. this by now had all got a bit much for shar. she blamed external emotional trauma on her poor performance and wanted tev to take her home. i was really gutted as i wanted him so bad. we did everything to make him stay and told him exactly what he would be missing out on if he left. but for some reason shar had him whipped and after making out with me all over the kitchen for 10 minutes while she looked on, incredibly pissed off, he left. it didnt take long for me, el and dady to get upstairs and get naked and pretty soon he was telling me to get down an eat her pussy whilst he fucked me from behind. he made get on top of him and she had to sit on his face so we could made out while we fucked him. he kept making me go down on her while he fucked me in all positions. i had her sitting on my face while he fucked me and played with her tits. i sucked his knob while she ate me out an he went down on her. that was pretty hot. it all would have been pretty hot if he hadnt been just that bit too fat, his knob a bit too small, if her stubly pussy hadnt tasted quite so bad and if i had any girl skills left whatsoever. she revelled in telling me how bad i was after. anyway after a little sleepy, we all went at it again. this time it was a bit better as we kind of knew what we were doing, being more sober, an it also had that fun denial element, morning after sex has, where for a while you can pretend it is the night before, but with more sensation! dady took it in turn fucking each of us, but i dont really remember any of the good stuff. after all the hard work we went back to our part of town and out for a sunday roast. me and dady thought it was hilarious and told everyone. but el freaked out and it all became this rubbish massive drama thing for a while. it was a really fun night but most girls cant handle this in reality. thank god im not one of them.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
...realised i only had two to go!
yesterday i realised i only have to sleep with 2 more people then my total will be 100! i thought id check my list as i knew i was getting near and i got with 3 new guys last week. i feel like it needs to be a momentous event. i might do a balloon drop from my ceiling as he cums! ideally the last two would be a 3 some with a guy and a girl, but who knows. i have fucked 94 boys and 4 girls so a boy and and girl would make nice round numbers. or i might pick a target to be 100. either way, its exciting, like nervous exciting, like i think other people must feel about having sex.
Monday, 23 November 2009
...lined up a threesome
so im planning an amazing threesome with this guy i love fucking. he is pure filth. an the girl is so hot and really dirty. we have already got together a bit too
17.05 Boy 1
i think we should get a 3rd girl involved
what u think
17:05 Me
my flatmates are goin away for 6 weeks an i have the place to myself most of the time
an we can do what we want
17:05 Boy 1
well u know any girls who would wanna join in
17:06 Me
have you spoken to s?
17:06 Boy 1
17:06 Me
she is back in 2 weeks
i want her
17:06 Boy 1
she wants to do it
17:06 Me
17:06 Boy 1
im thinking of her wanking me off over ur face
how good will that be
17:07 Me
very good
17:07 Boy 1
both of you on ur knees sharing my cock
17:07 Me
i was just about to say that
17:07 Boy 1
then i will wank off and shoot cum over both ur faces
17:07 Me
yes please
17:08 Boy 1
i cant wait to lick ur pussy
17:08 Me
shall i have it totally bald for you?
17:08 Boy 1
yeah ok
what knickers?
17:11 Me
what do you want?
17:11 Boy 1
something mesh, black very skimpy
17:11 Me
i have the perfect thing
17:11 Boy 1
i want you to look like a slut
17:12 Me
17:12 Boy 1
picturing u now taking my whole cock, your lips in red lipstick
17:12 Me
im wet now thinking about it
17:14 Boy 1
so suggest what u can wear
think slut
17:15 Me
i wanna wear my lace catsuit with just my little black thong on
17:15 Boy 1
we can do that
but lets a have a warm up fuck before the potential foursome
so i want a very short skirt
or dress
17:15 Me
i have a tight black one
17:16 Boy 1
yeah good
17:17 Me
with my tiny black thong and no bra
17:17 Boy 1
i wanna soak ur knickers in cum over ur clit
17:18 Me
17:18 Boy 1
i need a wank so bad
17:19 Me
me too
17:20 Boy 1
its gonna be mad!
i cant wait
two girls willing to take m y cum
17:20 Me
an we can eat each others pussies
17:21 Boy 1
i hope there's gonna be enough cum to go aorund!!
17:21 Me
yeah you have a lot to live up to!
17:22 Boy 1
well u know i can fuck good
17:22 Me
i know
what else you wanna do with me on weds?
17:23 Boy 1
fist ur cunt
17:23 Me
Good boy
17.05 Boy 1
i think we should get a 3rd girl involved
what u think
17:05 Me
my flatmates are goin away for 6 weeks an i have the place to myself most of the time
an we can do what we want
17:05 Boy 1
well u know any girls who would wanna join in
17:06 Me
have you spoken to s?
17:06 Boy 1
17:06 Me
she is back in 2 weeks
i want her
17:06 Boy 1
she wants to do it
17:06 Me
17:06 Boy 1
im thinking of her wanking me off over ur face
how good will that be
17:07 Me
very good
17:07 Boy 1
both of you on ur knees sharing my cock
17:07 Me
i was just about to say that
17:07 Boy 1
then i will wank off and shoot cum over both ur faces
17:07 Me
yes please
17:08 Boy 1
i cant wait to lick ur pussy
17:08 Me
shall i have it totally bald for you?
17:08 Boy 1
yeah ok
what knickers?
17:11 Me
what do you want?
17:11 Boy 1
something mesh, black very skimpy
17:11 Me
i have the perfect thing
17:11 Boy 1
i want you to look like a slut
17:12 Me
17:12 Boy 1
picturing u now taking my whole cock, your lips in red lipstick
17:12 Me
im wet now thinking about it
17:14 Boy 1
so suggest what u can wear
think slut
17:15 Me
i wanna wear my lace catsuit with just my little black thong on
17:15 Boy 1
we can do that
but lets a have a warm up fuck before the potential foursome
so i want a very short skirt
or dress
17:15 Me
i have a tight black one
17:16 Boy 1
yeah good
17:17 Me
with my tiny black thong and no bra
17:17 Boy 1
i wanna soak ur knickers in cum over ur clit
17:18 Me
17:18 Boy 1
i need a wank so bad
17:19 Me
me too
17:20 Boy 1
its gonna be mad!
i cant wait
two girls willing to take m y cum
17:20 Me
an we can eat each others pussies
17:21 Boy 1
i hope there's gonna be enough cum to go aorund!!
17:21 Me
yeah you have a lot to live up to!
17:22 Boy 1
well u know i can fuck good
17:22 Me
i know
what else you wanna do with me on weds?
17:23 Boy 1
fist ur cunt
17:23 Me
Good boy
...pissed on a guy
i had gone for a piss at a party at me mates house and this man id had a 3 some with a couple of weeks before followed me in to the toilet. as i went to sit on the toilet he got his knob out and shoved my head down to suck it. i wasnt really up for it with him as he was a bit old an fat, the dady, but i was too fucked to care so i went along with it. with the distraction i hadnt started to piss yet, but i really needed too. while i was sucking his cock, he bent down and started rubbing my clit an slipping his fingers in my pussy. he stopped for a minute and stood back and i took the opportunity to take a piss. however as soon as i started, he stepped back up and started playing with me again. i didnt really expect this so i tried to stop, but he encouraged me to carry on. pissing with three fingers up your pussy isnt easy, but it certainly felt good. when i had finished he stood me up, bent me over the sink and fucked me from behind. the filthy old man got out his phone and filmed us fucking close up and in the mirror and he came all over my ass. he told me he would delete the video but a few weeks later he told me he wanks over it most nights. so its still out there. and so is my desire to piss on some more men.
Friday, 20 November 2009
...couldnt take it anymore
this blog aint all glamorous stories of what amazing, crazy sex i have had and how it is so totally more than normal. my sex life does and will contain pretty bland and bad experiences, and boring stories. i think they all just add up to a nice un-fantastical and un-romanticised reality. last night, for example. i pulled this total cutie. probably the youngest guy ive been with, a full 6 years younger than me. i knew it was a bad idea as i was on my period and i get reallllly bad pain an i knew it would be messy. but he was hot, so i took him home. he was so wierd, had a little baby face an a total man body, massive shoulders, 6 pack, massive knob. i would usually LOVE it. but i was pretty scared of him. not sure why. anyway i let him get started and failed to mention i had my period so we were ill prepared. he was pretty good at the hand stuff, an when i blew him, he loved it. when we started fuckin with me on top, it was great, but then he flipped me over an put my ankles over my shoulders an i felt the full size of his knob! i have quite a short pussy and with being on my period i couldnt take it well at all. we did it in loads of positions and he likes to fuck really hard. most of the time i was just writhing about it agony and fucking bleeding everywhere! it was AWFUL. halfway through i had to stop and get a towel to clean up. my best sheets are ruined! an not just like the bottom sheet. alllll of them, all the pillows, duvet, bottom sheet, even the fucking valance!!!!! it went everywhere. oh shit i hope it aint on my decorative cushions! after a while i just gave up. i told him i couldnt take it any more, that his cock was too big. which is always a good thing to say. but obviously i had to finish him off. thank god he had been wearing a condom, so we got the hell mess out the way and i managed to blow him to a pretty mega orgasm apparently. all in all, i didnt get mine, i am still in pain, i bet i have fucking cystitis and turns out i will probably run into him at least once a week. i better do him again soon, so he knows my shitness was a one off!!
...fucked a girl for revenge
i was seeing this guy who i really really really liked. like insanely liked. like if he was in the city center i could smell him, i would know if he was at a club cause like some wierd animal i could pick up his scent for miles around. anyway, this guy had a girlfriend. i knew this and i knew he was a knob with bad taste aswell. so when i used to see him making out with some 16 yr old cubby chav i wasnt surprised. i didnt wanna seem like a crazy, possevive bitch or anything, so i decided to make friends with her. this way i would seem like the bigger person and it would freak him out! and i love making people think i am their friends when actually i am thinking all about how i am shitting on them when we talk! anyway, sidetracked again. i managed to convince her the best way to get back at him fucking us both over was by making out with each other so he could see. the situation was such that this all went on for several weeks, everytime we were all out. i was really not happy with the situation and i really wanted to fuck her over. so for some reason the best way i could think of to do that was, to go to the toilet with her an as soon as we got into a cubicle started making out with her. I moved pretty fast as i knew if she thought about it, she wouldnt be down with it, so after having my hand down her pants and my tongue in her mouth for a few minutes, i pulled her trousers down an got on my knees. i got well in there and licked her pussy and finger fucked her for as long as i could, till she freaked out and said she cant do this and ran out the toilet. i dont think she stopped kissing my boy, but she certainly knew who was boss! erm or maybe i just ate fat teen chav pussy!!!
Sunday, 15 November 2009
...got with 4 guys in one night
i was already pretty wasted at the start of my night, at the big club i went to every week back in me home town. i was sat with a big group of chavs doing poppers. not sure why i was with them, definitely didnt know them and do not know why i was on my own. anyway, i obviously got bored/poppers horny, so just picked one of them near me and took him by the hand and led him into the toilets. we fucked, with me bent over the toilet an when we were done we just went out our separate ways. later that night i was dancing with some girl/fake mate and two topless guys. she told them i was up for anything and would do anything they wanted. they asked me an i were like, sure, yeah. i well fantasised about having two guys hands and mouths on me, giving me all the attention. so they took me to the girls toilets and went into a cubicle. they both got their cocks out an just pushed me down an made me blow them both. we went at this for a while and then as i was blowing one of them, the other got behind me and just tried to shove his cock up my ass. neither of them had even touched me, so i was like, WOAH, what the fuck!? i been doing all the work an you dont even warm me up? no fucking way boys. i was not up for that at all, so i just pulled up my jeans and walked out, leaving them in the girls toilets on their own. i was pretty gutted about this experience so when i bumped into my exs best mate (ex who id been with for 2 years) i told him of my evening so far. i felt id gone a bit too far an needed comfort. which he provided and we made out for a while. at the end of the night i was hanging out with another boy mate who id fucked before and his friend. my mom was away at the time so i took them back to my house for a little party. the guy i had fucked before was too wasted so went to bed, so his mate an i went outside an did a whole bottle of poppers. we went inside to watch some porn. then i decided to get into it and did a strip show for him. he loved it and we started fucking in the living room, for some reason we kept moving around an did it allll over the downstairs of my house, in the cat basket, in a hamock, which is awsome, in the garden. not sure how it all ended, well apart from the obvious. but all in all, it was a pretty big night!
Saturday, 14 November 2009
...cut my head open and ended up in hospital
i was fucking this guy in my friends living room. there were like 8 other people in the room, but they had done so much drugs no one really knew what we were doing. whilst we were fucking i somehow managed to hit my head off the corner of the coffee table. it really hurt, but we carried on till he came. when i got up i realised my head was bleeding quite a lot. i paniced and went into the kitchen and got some frozen peas an tried to stop the bleeding. we sat there for ages an in the end he passed out. it really wouldnt stop bleeding so i had to leave the boy passed out and take myself off to hospital. it was bad enough having to walk about, fucked at 8am in a dodgy area, then sit in the waiting room for hours. but in the end i got a couple of stitches in me head. totally worth it.
...started a list
im not sure exactly when i started it but i was about 15 i think. i wanted to keep a record of everyone i had ever kissed, touched or slept with. ever since we all started kissing people, me and my school friends would compete with how many we had kissed. not like racing, but it was a badge of honour. the more the better. i dont know where it came from but i have always had this attitude towards kissing and fucking. it has always been about the numbers. i even turned my list into graphs and charts for my degree. i have lost these right now. i HAVE to find them. i wanna update them and stick them on here. anyway my list is so important too me. i have kept it updated and not lost it in 10 years. it is now two a4 pages long, front and back, with 3 columns on each page. i am 11 places away from my 3rd sheets. that means there is about 400 names on there. an im not telling yet how many are touching and how many are fucking but i think all but a few are kissing. i have a code on there about whos done what and when. obviously they arent all real names. ski boy 2 - devil boy - firewood bloke - crack boy - kebab boy - cap boy 2 - uce gay boy - fat black girl - badgers work girl 1 and 2 - fag boys friend - 17 toilet boy - hot std boy - irish fete boy - dread.
im really sad at the thought that i havent remembered everyone and there are people who arent on my list.
im really sad at the thought that i havent remembered everyone and there are people who arent on my list.
...gave a boy a bj on cctv
i used to run an event in club land. i was badly behaved and fully took advantage of the free drinks i was given. being the girl i am i like a good flirt and a flash an to lead people on. which i did with the staff all the time. not that i ever did anything about it. i thought. a couple of weeks ago, i went back to the venue and the manager told me that, back in the day, they had all watched me, drag one of the bar boys into the staff room, get on my knees and blow him till he came on my face. no wonder all the staff there used to ask me when it was their turn!
...got locked in a boys bedroom for 5 days
i had met this boy one night i went out on my own, when i had gone home to visit me mom and she had chucked me out for the night to have an ann summers party. its started normally enough. kissing, chatting, me in the middle of the two boys in bed in a hotel, with dream boy touching me up and kissing me, his mate complaining about the noise. then he started holding me down, teasing me and whispering in my ear what i had to do. i was entirely at his mercy and he only let me cum when he said so, and i HAD to cum when he said so. he did this all with his hands and didnt let me touch him the entire time. his mate was pretty turned on, but pissed off. the next day a few hours after i got home we started talking on msn. (i have no idea how or when we swapped details!) it obviously didnt take long for it to get filthy and he told me he wanted to be my master and if i agreed i was going to have to go along with whatever he wanted and NEVER disobey him. so of course i jumped at the opportunity. from then on i was to call him sir. by the way, this boy was just 18. i was 22, nearly 23. he was from another town far away. i knew i had to see him as soon as possible or i might forget how to breathe. luckily my best mate lived in the same town so that night i phoned her and was like...guess what...im comin to visit...in 5 days! i was then able to suprise sir with the information that i had infact already planned a trip to his city and would of course spend all my time with him. for the rest of the time i was at my moms we talked and he controlled my every move. when i arrived back home i got off the train and couldnt function. i didnt know where to go, what to do, how to get home. i just sat on the floor and cried. it had been the longest i had gone without his instruction and i couldnt move. the arrangements were made of my visit and after several more days of constant talking on the phone, i was on a coach in a dress with no underwear on and knee high boots. when i arrived he took me to a coffee shop and led me straight to the upstairs seating area and made me cum. i lied when i said i had no underwear on. i had put on a bikini top cause i hated going bra less. after i came he said i would have to pay, big time, for disobeying him.
he was taking me back to his and when we got on the bus he made me sit on the middle back seat with my legs apart and he kept making me flash so the driver could see in his mirror. when we eventually got back to his he made me strip and get on my knees facing the wall. he left me like this for about an hour while he just sat on his bed and read. when he finally came over to me i was so wet it was running down my legs. he made me cum about 10 times, but only when he told me to. but then came my punishment for disobeying him earlier. he blindfolded me and spanked me.he would tell me how many times he was going to do it and i had to count loud and clear for him. if i fucked up, he started again. he was spanking my ass and my pussy and i had never been hurt like this before, an i dont think i had ever been so wet. this cycle of punishment and reward went on for several hours until he had to hand me back to my friend i had come to visit. my back and bum and legs were so sore and bruised and i was a wreck.
when i was returned to him several days later he took me back to his and it all started again. i spent a lot of time, naked kneeling in corners or facing the wall, spread eagled acrross the door frame or if i was lucky sat on a chair. i was beaten continuosly with the buckle end of his belt, he wouldnt let me eat an only let me have a few drips of water once a day. he kept up the cycle of pleasure and punishment, taking me into his bed to kiss me and tease me, but i couldnt help but misbehave so he would punish me again. there wasnt really days and nights, just time, and exhaustion and love and insanity. despite him being my master he showed me how he felt and we quite clearly were in love, in our own way. i really couldnt breathe without him. we needed each other.
he went out to work a few times leaving me on my own. i was able to go to the toilet then and rest. one day when he was out i was watching a film and his 8 yr old brother came into his room and got under the covers and watched it with me, then his mom came up an offered me something to drink, and id imagine, to see who had been up in her sons room for 3 days! i came out of his room and played with his brother a bit. he made me break into the neighbours house and steal some lemon fanta. i was clearly some kind of mess that even an 8 yr old had enough control over me to make me break into someones house! or maybe it was just those boys!
anyway, all this misbehaviour ended with sir walking in to his bedroom where me and his 8 yrold brother and 14 yr old sister were playing monoply! he just walked in, looked at us and walked straight back out. i was TERRIFIED. when he eventually came back he had brought us all chips and sent the kids downstairs to eat theirs! i was so happy to eat! then obviously i had to pay for my masssive misbehaviour! it was a very long night. on the last night it got a bit wierd and somehow we managed to establish a role shift based on how we reffered to each other. i was able to take control over him an we had some great asphyxi fun. i was finally able to touch him, but ultimately he still had control and he would not let me fuck him. i dont remember leaving his or getting back home. but i had a list of foods i was allowed to eat an things i could drink and i had to move into my friends house cause i couldnt bear to be alone. id just sit in corners talkin to him on msn for 12 - 20 hours a day. when i went to the pub with my friends i had to act, and drink an do as i had been told. the internet at my house wasnt working so i had to spend any time not at my mates house, at the internet cafe at the bottom of my road and he would phone me every night.
i had to go on holiday for 5 days an i wasnt gonna be able to speak to him at all. i functioned suprisingly well, but i was happy as he promised to come to me for my birthday which was a few days after my return. strangely those couple of days i barely heard from him and we hadnt finalised any plans. i was worried. on the morning of my 23rd birthday i went to the internet cafe to see if he had sent me anything or was telling me when he would arrive an i had recieved and email from him telling me i was ridiculous. the situation was ridiculous. that i meant nothing and to never contact him again. i was heart broken. i think his girlfriend found out about me and made him write that email to me, cause it just wasnt him. yes he had a girlfriend the whole time. yes i knew and yes we talked about how shit she was. i dont know what she thought he was doing the whole time he was with me but what ever. they are still fucking together and he kept to his word and has never ever spoken to me again.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
...had a 3some with two brothers
i wanted one of them and i was too drunk at the pub to decide anything. the brother of the one i want put me in a cab and they both got in. not sure how it got from the cab to me being bent over being fucked from behind by one, while i sucked the other ones cock, but i was happy to make them both happy. they were telling each other and telling me what to do. It was kind of wierd hearing one guy tell his brother "ooh fuck her slutty pussy hard, yeah thats right, good boy" and hi-fiving each other over me. i was fucked and i sucked each of them in all kinds of combinations. I know they tried to both do me at once, which i have always wanted to do, but i dont remember if it actually happened. I was pretty drunk so it was generally very messy and not entirely clear in my memory. it got to the point where everyone was a bit done and we needed more drugs, so they decided to go off, get drugs and come back and fuck me more. after they left i sobered up a bit and decided i definately did not need anymore brotherly love and went to sleep. i later found out that one of them had a girlfriend, and that night she had been in hospital giving birth to thier baby. I have kissed brothers before, not at the same time, tho. so this was a new kind of family experience.
This one time i....
thought it would be a good idea to start a blog. i love telling stories of things i have done and seen and know.
when i wanted to start this, i had a boyfriend and thought it would be a bit insensitive as a lot of my stories are about other men and things he wouldnt like to know about.
now i dont have a boyfriend. I am not happy about this. and it has only been a few days so i am still in bed. and am currently counting down the time before x-factor starts and i can order a pizza!
it was a mutual break up which is shit cause it is hard to know if that is the right thing to do cause you are both really upset and dont want to say goodbye, but know you have to.
i am 25
i live in England
i work in club land
i am not going to be massively specific about any of these things cause it isnt my place to reveal other peoples secrets, which will be done by me telling my stories.
and this is the start of my blog.
when i wanted to start this, i had a boyfriend and thought it would be a bit insensitive as a lot of my stories are about other men and things he wouldnt like to know about.
now i dont have a boyfriend. I am not happy about this. and it has only been a few days so i am still in bed. and am currently counting down the time before x-factor starts and i can order a pizza!
it was a mutual break up which is shit cause it is hard to know if that is the right thing to do cause you are both really upset and dont want to say goodbye, but know you have to.
i am 25
i live in England
i work in club land
i am not going to be massively specific about any of these things cause it isnt my place to reveal other peoples secrets, which will be done by me telling my stories.
and this is the start of my blog.
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...had the best sex of my life
i know for sure, 100% i just had the best sex of my life. with a stranger. i met him on the swinger site yesterday. he likes a woman in ...