Sunday, 6 December 2009
...might ruin a good thing with my blog
you see this bullshit on the telly an films and shit, like oooohhh i write a blog, its a secret, oh no, someones found out about it, oh its ruined a relationship. well as i have a big mouth when i had only just started this blog and needed to tell someone about it. so i told this boy i had just met. we had spent a good couple of nights together. he really turned me on an i havent laughed so much in ages just hanging out. at first he was cool with the blog. he even wrote a mini one for me. then one night he said he couldnt handle the blog and wouldnt be seeing me again. i was pretty gutted, i didnt expect my blog to affect my real life, especially so soon after it had started. anyway after a couple of weeks and some tentative texts he came over one night when i was ill cause i needed a cuddle. yeah im not just all about sex, i like a good cuddle and hang out too. we spent a couple of nights together and we had a really good time. he wouldnt let me fuck him the first night, cause he was still reading the blog and knew what id been doing. by the time we did fuck, it was so good i came in about 5 seconds. he really turns me on and makes me cum more than i usually do. an he is so much fun to hang out with too. he came back to mine on friday night after we had been out and we had a lovely day fucking and chattin an eating on saturday. i came more that day than i have in ages. i went out that night and got too tired so came home and decided to write about my 100 and generally play on the blog. i knew he was still reading it, but this is my baby and i dont wanna stop, i love it. i got woken up on sunday with a text from him saying, i hate you and that blog. so i think this blog might have ruined a good thing. i love being made to cum so much and laugh so much by the same person and i really hope this blog doesnt affect that. or now i have writen this, that it does actually affect it, in a good way.
...had the best sex of my life
i know for sure, 100% i just had the best sex of my life. with a stranger. i met him on the swinger site yesterday. he likes a woman in ...